Marketing Matters

92% of buyers use the Internet to find a home. Our listings appear on over 23 real estate websites. This amount of Internet exposure coupled with full service, professional representation has led to faster and higher priced sales and overall success. Let us know if we can use our experience and marketing success to help you sell your home.

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Our Approach to Marketing

Find out what sets our strategy apart from other teams.

Professional Consultation

Expert Photography

Professional Flyers

Video tour posted on YouTube

Professional Open Houses advertised in advance

Plenty of Real Estate Exposure

Sell With Us

We will consult with you to understand your primary goals which typically include obtaining the highest possible price for your home, moving quickly, having a superb customer experience and a smooth closing. My full-service packages offer a multitude of services and marketing to assist you with the sale of your home.

See how Evan Lloyd Properties, Inc. can help with your home valuation!